Director SS Rajamouli’s ‘RRR’ was released on March 25 and made a splash at the box office. On the first day itself, the film made a worldwide collection of Rs 223 crore and till now the film has earned more than 500 crores. The Hindi version of the film also did its best. 100 crore in just five days. On Wednesday, once again, a crowd of spectators was seen at the ticket window. The film grossed around Rs 13.50 crore from the Hindi version alone on Wednesday. In 6 days, the Hindi version of this movie has earned a total of 120 crores.
‘RRR’ box office collection day 8: Jr NTR and Ram Charan starrer crosses Rs 700 crore
Contents List
Worldwide | 710 Crore gross |
All India | 560 Crore gross |
Overseas | 150 Crores gross |
Hindi | 132.59 Crore nett or 155 Crore gross |
Rest Of India Telugu Version | 10 Crore gross |
Karnataka | 55 Crore gross |
Tamil Nadu | 50 Crore gross |
AP / Telangana | 275 Crore gross |
Day | Nett Hindi Producer Figure | Worldwide all languages |
Day 31 | 1.4 Crore | 6 Crore |
Day 30 | 1.02 Crore | 4 Crore |
Day 29 | 0.9 Crore | 3 Crore |
Day 28 | 1.02 Crore | 2 Crore |
Day 27 | 1.13 Crore | 3 Crore |
Day 26 | 1.32 Crore | 5 Crore |
Day 25 | 1.2 Crore | 5 Crore |
Day 24 | 3.75 Crore | 9 Crore |
Day 23 | 3.3 Crore | 9 Crore |
Day 22 | 3 Crore | 7 Crore |
Day 21 | 3 Crore | 7 Crore |
Day 20 | 2.7 Crore | 4 Crore |
Day 19 | 3 Crore | 6 Crore |
Day 18 | 3.5 Crore | 10 Crore |
Day 17 | 10.5 Crore | 27 Crore |
Day 16 | 7.5 Crore | 23 Crore |
Day 15 | 5 Crore | 13 Crore |
Day 14 | 5 Crore | 14 Crore |
Day 13 | 5.5 Crore | 14.5 Crore |
Day 12 | 6.5 Crore | 18.5 Crore |
Day 11 | 7 Crore | 20 Crore |
Day 10 | 20.5 Crore | 80 Crore |
Day 9 | 18 Crore | 69 Crore |
Day 8 | 13.5 Crore | 41 Crore |
Day 7 | ₹ 12 Crore | ₹ 33-39 Crore |
DAY 6 | ₹ 13 Crore | ₹ 45 Crore |
Day 5 | ₹ 15.02 Crore | ₹ 60 Crore |
Day 4 | ₹ 17 Crore | ₹ 69 Crore |
Day 3 | ₹ 31.5 Crore | ₹ 140 Crore |
Day 2 | ₹ 24 Crore | ₹ 133 Crore |
Day 1 | ₹ 20.07 Crore | ₹ 223 Crore |
The film Ram Charan and Junior NTR-starrer RRR, which was screened in India as well as abroad, became the first Indian film to cross $ 3 million USD (approximately Rs 22 crore) from the US premiere.
Trade expert Ramesh Bala gave an insight into its box office collection and wrote, “#RRR enters 2nd week on a strong note..#RRR Hindi done about 13 Crs Nett for 2nd Friday (sic).”
RRR should gross 473 Crores distributor share worldwide to be called a hit which would need a worldwide gross of almost 900 Crores
In Hindi, RRR should cross 200 Crores to be called a hit
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