A bizarre award ceremony that just aired recently has been the talk of the media. The ceremony is called ‘Bhadipa Awards’. Bhadipa is a channel called Bharatiya Digital Party who creates content for the Marathi audience on digital platforms like YouTube. TBhaDiPa was hosted by Ameya Wagh and Nipun Dharmadhikari. The channel was founded by Sarang Sathaye, Anusha Nandakumar and Paula McGlynn. It had 150 Million views across their Facebook page and Youtube Channel and more than 1 Million followers. Through Bhadipa, the Indian Digital Party, viewers get to see a lot of great content. In order to celebrate the anniversary of this lease, a special ‘Rental Awards’ ( Bhadyache Awards) was organized.
BhaDiPa also has two more subsidiary channels called Bharatiya Touring Party(Bha2Pa) and Vishay Khol on YouTube. BhaDiPa’s ‘Shantit Kranti’ web series aired on 13 August 2021 on Sony Liv. They reached 1 million members on YT on August 23, 2021 and received the Golden Play Button.
Many celebrities like Sai Tamhankar, Amrita Khanwilkar, Adinath Kothare, Lalit Prabhakar, Shruti Marathe, Priya Bapat, Umesh Kamat, Spriha Joshi, Gautami Deshpande, Mrinmayi Deshpande, Neha Shitole, Nachiket Purnapatre, Suvrat, Shrutikar, Shruti, Shruti. Gaurav Ghatnekar, Mrinmayi Godbole, Girija Oak, Mohan Agashe etc. were present.
Actress Sai Tamhankar has also shared some photos from the event on social media. Sai has posted this using the hashtag #roastnight #fancyroast. Guess from this post, this is an event where some people get roasted. Therefore, comedians from the Marathi film industry must have fallen victim to this program.
The tenant has also shared a video on social media showing a glimpse of the event. In which the hired content creator Sumit Patil is seen interacting with the artists present.
Fans have expressed curiosity about what the award ceremony will be like from the comments section. This special award ceremony will be telecast soon.
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